Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Howls From The Founder
. . . and now we’ve interviewed Zach for the podcast. Get ready to be moved to tears, to be inspired, and to learn things about life, addiction, dogs, shelters and the people who work in them, prison systems, dogs and prisoners, and more.

Photo: Irina on Unsplash

It looks like our dogs are stressed out! And in some cases we humans may be the culprits as our canine buddies pick-up on the [human] stress we’re carrying.

According to a 2020 University of Helsinki study where 13,700 dogs were observed, 72.5 percent of them displayed anxious traits defined as noise sensitivity, general fear, fear of surfaces, impulsivity or lack of attention, compulsive behaviors, aggression, and behaviors relating to separation anxiety.

Identifying pet stresses can be difficult because they are as unique and varied as pet personalities. “Separation anxiety” is one thing, and noise phobia on the Fourth of July is different,” says Dr. Su, Dan Su, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist based in Southern California. He explains that just as when we are addressing human behavior, promoting dog relaxation can be complicated. . . . it’s not going to be an overnight fix, but there’s a lot that can be done to ameliorate the situation for everyone.

Learn a lot more about this by reading the full story here from PureWow.