Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Howls From The Founder
. . . and now we’ve interviewed Zach for the podcast. Get ready to be moved to tears, to be inspired, and to learn things about life, addiction, dogs, shelters and the people who work in them, prison systems, dogs and prisoners, and more.

Florian Klauer – Unsplash

Yes, according to realtors.

Rental agents say both you and your dog need a rental resume. Your dog’s thorough resume gives you a way to impress and inform a potential landlord about you and your pup. It’ll also give you a leg up (haha) on the competition.

What should your dog’s resume include?

Your dog’s resume should include formal details similar to the one you’d write for a potential employer.

  • Basic information: Your dog’s breed, if known, plus age, size, and whether it has been neutered.
  • Pet’s rental history: Discuss any previous rental experience you and your dog have had, including how much the neighbors loved your pet.
  • Achievements: List obedience classes; whether your dog participates in a reading program in a local school; if he or she is a therapy dog, and, if so, where you two volunteer.
  • References: No landlord wants to have a dog that barks all day or jumps on the elderly neighbors. Be sure to convey that your pet has never caused property damages. Include contact information for your veterinarian, the trainer or behaviorist you used, former neighbors and landlords who will attest to what a wonderful creature you are living with. Include graduation certificates.
  • Vaccination records: To prove they are up to date. If you have pet insurance, you might want to include the name of the company.
  • Your pet’s behavior: Explain how he or she is with children and other dogs, wonderful tricks it will do on command, etc. Include photos.

To be sure you get the details right, here’s a printable template for a pet resume from


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