Humane Society of Boulder Valley
The Humane Society of Boulder Valley (HSBV) is a trusted source for services and information related to companion animals in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Founded in 1902, HSBV provides a safety net to animals in need in our community and beyond. Each year, HSBV impacts more than 10,000 animals, helping them find their new beginnings in the Boulder community or working to protect happy and healthy relationships, and supports thousands of existing pet-guardian relationships in our community through our Safety Net services. Our open-admission, socially conscious shelter provides care to any animal who comes to our facility. Open seven days a week, HSBV readily accepts community animals as guardian surrenders, stray pets, and transferred animals. The Transfer program enables us to offer a greater variety of animals to our adoption clients. The placement rates of our Adoption program ensure our doors are open to thousands of transfer animals seeking placement from overcrowded and under-served shelters in our state and region. The HSBV Shelter Medicine program provides critical services to ensure the health and well-being of every shelter animal. The Humane Society of Boulder Valley also operates a full-service public veterinary clinic. Funds generated through the public veterinary clinic provide resources to ensure HSBV’s Shelter Medicine program has the resources necessary to support shelter animals. Utilizing science-based positive reinforcement techniques and methodologies, our Training and Behavior Center provides behavioral support to animals at HSBV, helping ensure their success in their future homes. HSBV’s Training and Behavior Center also operates a public training center with group classes, expert presenters and professional seminars, private consultations, and access to certified trainers. A safety net for our community animals and their guardians, HSBV offers life-changing resources during times of hardship, working hard to support happy and healthy relationships and prevent pet relinquishment when possible. Our Safety Net program includes temporary pet housing, free pet food and supply share, discounts on behavior support, and grants and subsidized veterinary services for urgent and wellness care. Learn more about our Safety Net here. The Humane Society of Boulder Valley is a private, nonprofit organization that relies on donations from our generous supporters. HSBV animal care efforts are also supported by the funds generated through our Sonnyside Retail Store. HSBV is a private non-profit and rely on contributions to bring our essential services to the community; we are not operated by any national or regional humane groups or governmental agencies.
- AMA Animal Rescue
- Animal Care Centers of NYC
- Animal Friends of the Valleys
- Animal Haven
- Animal Lighthouse Rescue
- ARF Hamptons
- Austin Pets Alive
- Barktown Rescue
- Best Friends Animal Society in Los Angeles
- Billie's Buddies
- Brighter Days Dog Rescue
- Bullies and Buddies
- Colorado Animal Rescue
- Conway Area Humane Society
- Crusty Crew Rescue
- Dachshund Rescue South Florida
- Danbury Animal Welfare Society
- Diamonds In The Ruff Animal Rescue
- Dog Gone Seattle
- Dumb Friends League
- Family Dog Rescue
- Family Dogs New Life Shelter
- Finding Them Homes
- Foothills Animal Rescue
- Friends For Life
- Furever Freed Dog Rescue
- Gimme Shelter Animal Rescue
- Ginger's Pet Rescue
- Go Beyond Rescue
- Heartland Animal Shelter
- Helpaws
- Home At Last Dog Rescue
- Humane Rescue Alliance
- Humane Society of Boulder Valley
- Humane Society of the South Platte Valley
- Humane Society Tampa Bay
- I Stand With My Pack
- Last Chance Animal Rescue
- Lehigh Valley Humane Society
- Liberty Humane Society
- Longmont Humane Society
- Love Leo Rescue
- Loved At Last Dog Rescue
- Lucky 13 Rescue
- Marley's Mutts
- Middleburg Humane Foundation
- Morocco Animal Aid
- Morris Animal Refuge
- Muttville
- Nassau Humane Society
- National Brussels Griffon Rescue
- New York Bully Crew
- NorSled
- North Shore Animal League
- One More Dog Rescue
- One Tail At a Time
- Paws Chicago
- PAWS of Hawaii
- Paws of the North
- PAWS Philadelphia
- Perfect Pet Rescue
- Pet Haven
- Positively Forever Dog Rescue
- Pup Culture Rescue
- Sacramento Shelter Pets Alive
- Safe Hands Rescue
- Safe Harbor Lab Rescue
- Santa Barbara County Animal Services
- Save A Life BC
- Second Chance Animal Rescue
- Second City Rescue
- Sioux Falls Area Human Society
- Social Tees Animal Rescue
- Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation
- Stray Rescue of St.Louis
- The Good Dog Rescue
- This Is Houston
- Tony La Russa's ARF
- Toronto Humane Society
- Trio Animal Foundation
- VanderpumpDogs
- Villalobos Animal Rescue
- Wagmor Pets
- Wallis Annenberg PetSpace
- Wright-Way Rescue
- Young-Williams Animal Center