Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Howls From The Founder
. . . and now we’ve interviewed Zach for the podcast. Get ready to be moved to tears, to be inspired, and to learn things about life, addiction, dogs, shelters and the people who work in them, prison systems, dogs and prisoners, and more.



Adopt Chrissie
A 3-mo old, light brown Husky/She[herd mix with a black face who weighs 12 lbs and is available for adoption at ARF Hamptons in East Hampton, NY
Husky Shepherd mix
3 months
12.6 lbs
Ask shelter if good with other dogs
Ask shelter about children

Chrissie must be a new intake for ARF Hamptons because they don’t have any information on the site about her personality. However, she was too adorable to pass-up, and if you agree, go ahead and contact ARF and go meet her!

You can review ARF”s Adoption Requirements here.

Their telephone number to the shelter facility at 124 Daniels Hole Road in East Hampton is: 631-537-0400

Adopt Chrissie


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