You can adopt
Cattle Dog Mix
1 Year And 3 Months Old
39 Lbs
Older Kids Only
Let us introduce you to Theo. At 39 pounds, he is just about the perfect size for anyone. This handsome boy loves playing with other dogs. Once he knows you, he’s a major cuddler. Theo loves sitting with you, but he is wary of people he doesn’t, yet, he’ made a lot of progress in this area because of the training he’s been receiving at the rescue. An ideal home for him is where his forever human will continue behavioral training at home. CARE’s behavior team will work with his adopters to help support this special guy as he continues to work through his training. Theo would benefit from an adult-only home where he isn’t exposed to situations that cause him to react negatively. If you can’t say no to this face, hit the adopt button today!
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