Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Love, Dog is for everyone who wants to be their dog's best friend . . . We're a trusted resource to help you make the best choices for your dog's wellbeing . . . NEW PODCAST EPISODE #13: TARA BRACH - Homecoming: Being Present With Our Dogs . . . Listen on your favorite podcast app or click on the podcast button in the menu. . . . We say THANK YOU to season 1's podcast sponsors - Fig & Tyler, Wonder Walker No-Pull Harnesses, Colorado Citizens for Canine Welfare (3CW), and, Jope Hip & Joint Chews.
Howls From The Founder
. . . and now we’ve interviewed Zach for the podcast. Get ready to be moved to tears, to be inspired, and to learn things about life, addiction, dogs, shelters and the people who work in them, prison systems, dogs and prisoners, and more.



Adopt Oreo
Shih Tzu Mix
8 yrs. 3 mo.
13 lbs
Ask AMA about other dogs
Ask AMA about kids

Let’s get right to the point: dumping senior dogs at a kill shelter is a widespread, egregious practice. It’s even worse when that senior dog has been subjected to a life of neglect. So, meet Oreo, rescued by AMA Animal Rescue in Brooklyn. Her story is both tragic and triumphant.

When AMA’s heroic crew pulled Oreo from the kill shelter, her body and feet were covered in so much hair that she could barely walk. Her stomach was riddled with masses all along her mammary gland chains, which they knew would require major surgery. Once she was shaved, they discovered that the skin on her paws was badly infected and oozed pus.

Oreo was in excruciating pain when she walked, and her overgrown nails were making her struggle that much greater. Her mouth was in horrific shape — red and swollen. But after a few weeks of intensive care, she was ready for her surgery where her mammary gland chain was removed. While under anesthesia, she was also spayed and her dental work was taken care of. It was an extensive list of procedures, but she recovered beautifully! The biopsy from her tumors did come back cancerous, but the surgeon was able to remove the margins, which was such great news!

Oreo now lives a pain-free life and she seems determined to enjoy every minute of it! She’s quite affectionate and loves the company of her humans.


If you’d like to learn more, please fill out the adoption application today.

Adopt Oreo


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